Tuesday, 15 March 2016

Best perls in my life - 2 people, who gifted me the world that i really loved :)

                   Years back... Two families became one... Two hearts became one... That was a day my grand parents dreamed out a lot... That was the day my pa and ma started a life together...
                   As yours, they too had a big story, that any book could not complete... But I know their life as “My parents”... That is some thing that any one can dream to own :)

My Acha...

                        He called his child with sweet voice... Hold her for the life span... Brought her where she have to see... Bought everything for her, what she have to have... Taught to live, behave, learn, survive and love... Hold a strong umbrella over their house to make it a home... Worked hard to keep the child's life safe... Told a lot of stories... Drew lot of pictures... Sang a lot of songs... Learned a lot to teach her...
                    He showed how to live, rather than saying about it... He kept and spread cute smiles, even some times his heart was winking... Walked miles and miles... Loved the family, & completed it perfectly... Taught chapters like a rhythmic poem... Loved her mom , which is the best gift ever he can give to his child... He scold the child for the mistakes, but let her free to choose the right things...
                      Now, I know why you beat me when I made mistakes... Now I know why you don't allow me to do something I wanted to do... Sorry pa, for all mistakes and faults I made to you...Now I remember, how much you felt bad, when eyes shed tears... I smiled secretly with chocolates you gave me after each tear moments...
                     His absence will make a home irritating silent... Expect his presence, before the gift he might bring for the family... You... You were a Father,whom I should underline the word... I know, you tried your best to give the best to our family... The life with you, were awesome for me...
                     Appa :) He kept a smiling face always :) He could make us smile with his busy life :)
                      The child may have one request to the awesome God... : " Will you let me be the child of same dad, if we have another life..."

My Amma...
                   Someone who is close to my heart :) The first person I started to speak, fight , gain and give :) A divine feeling :) She was the first lady whom I met... Walked miles with her... She was always there to support :)
                     The day she met me, that was the single day she smiled for my tears... She told many more stories... Sang as a nice singer... she made me beautiful... She opened the books for my better future... She hold my hands for the day , when I reached where there is a big gang of friends and abundant knowledge... She played with me as a little girl... Never I  saw a person, who gained my pain this much...
                       She... She is my best companion... No more secrets to share... She taught me what she love to see within me by the way she lived... No another person, who fight me this much... But what it was? Each and every fight we made each other was simply the way of affection...
                        She was there to keep me the way I wished to have, even I missed some special pearl in my life, whom I wished to have always... She know how to handle me... She know what will be most suitable for me... But she never demand me anything... She gave me the freedom to be my self and to have my choice... I know... I have to prove they were right...
                         Nothing.... I have nothing to give her better than what she could give me... But I have a word " What ever be the situation, I will be there as a perfect child"... I know you pained a lot for me the naughty juggling I made... Sorry... Is this word "Sorry" needed?No... But you deserve it....
                         Love you amma... You could play your role better than any script could, as a grand daughter, daughter, sister, aunt, wife, daughter in law, sister in law and a cute mom... I think always, still now... No one else could play your role as my mom better than you, my best loving Amma... What I have to give the God, for this best gift?
                         Before I pray to give you as my Amma, if i have another birth, I have to pray... let me be a nice daughter that any mom can dream out...

           I cant say my parents are best, since I don't know others :) But my favorite story is life of my parents ;) :D